Open, Flavorful HealthAnd Food

We bring transparency to food with Open Food Score. And make it easy for you to create delicious yet health-boosting meals with OF meal builder.

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Example: "Fried Chicken with Coleslaw"Example: "Uncle Sam Cereal"Example: "General Tso's Chicken"


OpenFood's AI analysis and recommendations are provided for informational purposes only. While our AI system analyzes food items based on scientific research, it does not constitute medical advice or professional nutritional services. The health scores and dietary suggestions should not be used to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or health condition. For personalized medical or nutritional advice, please consult with qualified healthcare professionals.

Our AI models are continuously learning and improving. While we strive for accuracy, the analysis and scores should be used as general guidance rather than absolute truth. Food items mentioned or recommended are based on our analysis algorithms and do not represent specific endorsements.